Use our products to prevent and control common agricultural pests and disease outbreaks.

Use Prestop to naturally fight against above ground-diseases and root or base rot diseases.
Prestop® contains mycelia and spores of Gliocladium catenulatum strain J1446, a naturally occurring soil fungus, selected through Lallemand Research for its capacity to control a range of very important crop diseases.
Prestop® can give effective control of a wide variety of plant pathogens:
Grey mould and stem cankers caused by Botrytis cinerea on leafy crops, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, aromatic plants, ornamentals, strawberries and other soft fruit.
Gummy stem blight caused by Didymella sp. on cucumbers, and damping-off and root or base rot diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium on vegetables, salads, aromatic plants and ornamentals.

A new generation preventative bio-fungicide, highly effective for the suppression and management of fungal plant diseases on crops as specified.
· Contains the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747.
· Manufactured by bioproduct specialists Certis USA.
· Natural product with no chemical additives, suitable for organic use.
· Registered for suppression of Powdery and Downy Mildew on table grapes and Powdery Mildew on cucurbits.
· Excellent shelf life of up to 24 months at room temperature.
· Ideal for Integrated Disease Management programs, to reduce residues and manage resistance.
· Multiple modes of action; Bacillus bacterium produces a protective biofilm, excretes antimicrobial metabolites and activates Systemic Acquired Resistance.
· Versatile application and excellent compatibility allow for easy integration into existing spray programs.
· Broad spectrum efficacy - extensive international label.
· Non-toxic, no residues and safe for the environment and applicators.
· Listed and certified for organic production by OMRI.

An effective, residue-free, fungal inoculant used in the management of common agricultural pests like red spider mite and whitefly, and many more.
Highly concentrated WP formulation of the beneficial fungus Beauveria bassiana (min 2 x 109 cfu/gram).
Unique ‘dry oil’ formulation ensures spores are protected from UV damage.
Well known biocontrol agent for common insect pests. Registered for the control of red spider mite, whitefly and potato weevil.
Use as a stand-alone preventative pest control product or built into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
Non-toxic and no with-holding period.
Natural product approved for organic use.
Unique mode of action ideal for IPM and resistance management programs.
Broad spectrum of efficacy. Eco-Bb is effective against a wide range of pests and pest life stages including eggs, larvae, pupae and adult.
May be used right up to harvest when pest control options are limited.
A tool to manage pests that overwinter in the soil.
Easy to use, powder like, ‘dry oil’ formulation.

High concentration of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae for the control of common agricultural pests.
The fungus usually infects the insect via the cuticle, where the fungus invades and completely colonizes the insect's body. After 72 hours, on average, the pathogen causes death of the host. The attacked insects become hard and covered by a powdery layer of green conidia, varying from light to dark, grey, or even whitish with green dots.
Well known biocontrol agent for common insect pests.
Use as a stand-alone preventative pest control product or built into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
No with-holding period or residues.
Natural product approved for use in organic agriculture.

A Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk) flowable granule concentrate formulation for the control of various Lepidoptera larvae on crops as indicated.
Contains the beneficial bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk) strain SA-11.
A natural biological larvicide, highly effective for management of lepidopteran larvae.
Based on one of the first commercialised biocontrol actives, widely and successfully used for pest management.
Manufactured by bioproduct specialists Certis USA.
Natural product with no chemical additives and no GMO, suitable for organic use.
Registered for the suppression of Bollworm on lettuce, Tuta absoluta and Fall armyworm on a wide range of crops.
Excellent shelf life of up to 24 months at room temperature.
Ideal for Integrated Pest Management programs, to reduce residues and manage resistance.
Versatile application and excellent compatibility allow for easy integration into existing spray programs.
Broad spectrum efficacy - extensive international label.
Non-toxic, no residues and safe for the environment and applicators.
Listed and certified for organic production by OMRI.

Advanced virus technology for the management of African bollworm larvae. A highly effective population management tool. Virus mode of action ensures mortality after infection. There is no sub-lethal dose.
Highly concentrated SC formulation of Helicoverpa armigera Nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV).
Manufactured to the highest standard by world renowned virus specialists Andermatt Biocontrol.
Registered for use on all crops.
Excellent shelf life of up to 24 months at 4oC and indefinite when frozen.
Natural product with no chemical additives, suitable for organic use.
Low volume application rate only 200 ml required per Ha
Correct timing of application can offer up to 90% control with minimal crop damage.
Alternative mode of action makes Bolldex an excellent resistance management tool ideal for IPM programs. Extend the effective life span of available chemistry.
Bolldex has no residue limits. This allows for effective pest management right up to harvest and gives you residue options for other management needs.
Highly specific target range and will not harm beneficial insect populations. Bolldex can be applied without risk to bee populations and secondary pest outbreaks.
Good compatibility makes Bolldex easy to integrate into chemical programs.

Cutting edge granulovirus technology for the suppression of False Codling Moth (FCM – Thaumatotibia leucotreta) on various crops.
Locally isolated (SA) granulovirus strain, manufactured in Switzerland by world renowned virus specialists - Andermatt Biocontrol - with proven and consistent efficacy against FCM on a variety of crops.
Highly effective FCM reduction and damage control when applied as recommended.
An effective granulovirus product is one of the best tools available to reduce target pest populations
Very specific target range - Cryptex will not affect any beneficial organisms and is harmless to bees.
Unique mode of action - the mode of action of virus products differ from chemical insecticides, making them ideal for use in IPM and resistance management programs.
User friendly SC formulation Advanced formulation allows for: Versatile application options No feeding stimulant (molasses) needed; lipophilic characteristics ensure excellent adhesion and rain fastness.
Can be tank mixed with most agricultural products provided pH is correctly managed.
Excellent shelf life; min. 24 months at 4 °C, unlimited if kept at –18 °C Non-toxic, no MRL requirements and has no with-holding period.
Cryptex is suitable for organic and conventional agriculture and can be applied during the harvesting period

Active ingredient: Chlorantraniliprole 18.2% (w/w), 200g/litre.
A broad-spectrum chemical insecticide used to control lepidopterous, coleopterous and dipterous insects. Acts as an antagonist by activating the insect ryanodine receptors, causing impaired muscle regulation, paralysis and lethargy. Affected insects stop feeding and die within 1 – 3 days.

TUTRACK monitors and controls Tuta absoluta (tomato leafminer). The system consists of the TUTRACK lure and a trap. The TUTRACK lure contains pheromones which attract the male Tuta absoluta moth.
What to look out for when buying lures?
When buying lures, it is important to note the amount of active ingredient each lure contains. Most lures on the market today contain 0.5mg of pheromone per lure. Each TUTRACK lure contains 0.8mg of pheromone; this can lead up to three times as many catches compared to lures with 0.5mg of pheromone!
How to use TUTRACK
Place two delta-traps with TUTRACK lures in your field to monitor the number of Tuta absoluta moths. Count number of moths per trap on a daily basis. Remove or mark moths that you have counted and make clear records of the amount of catches per trap.
Trap position
The Tuta absoluta moth flies low, therefore traps should be placed not more than 40 cm above ground level.
Replace lures after 6 weeks.
When catches in monitoring traps exceed 3 moths per trap per week, mass-trapping should be started. If catches are between 3 and 30 moths per trap per week, a total of 10 traps per acre should be placed. If catches exceed 30 moths 20 traps per acre should be used for mass-trapping.
Store the TUTRACK lure in its tightly closed original packaging locked away from children. At room temperature shelf life is three months; in a refrigerator shelf life is 12 months.

When female moths are ready to mate, they will produce attractants; these so-called pheromones will attract males of the same species. CRYTRACK is a rubber lure containing these pheromones that attract specifically male adult moths of the false codling moth (Cryptophlebia (Thaumatotibia) leucotreta).
How does CRYTRACK work?
The CRYTRACK lure must be used in combination with a sticky paper incorporated in a delta-trap. Once outside its original sealed packaging, the CRYTRACK lure will start releasing its pheromones over a time period of at least six weeks. This will attract male false codling moth moths that will be caught on the sticky paper. This will prevent the moth from reproducing and will enable you to obtain information from the catches.
Due to the limited reach of approximately 50 meters, CRYTRACK will not attract any additional moths to your crops than the ones already present at that time.
CRYTRACK provides easy to obtain information that can indicate critical changes in population dynamics and behaviour of the false codling moth. This can be used to determine if and what kinds of treatments are necessary. Targeting pests at the right time with the right product can save you money, make your pest control program more effective, and help preserve the beneficial organisms on your farm.
How to use CRYTRACK?
Fold the delta-trap in a triangular shape and insert the appendages into the slots. Unfold the sticky paper and place it on the bottom of the delta-trap, the sticky side facing upwards. Hang the trap at 2/3 of the crop-height inside the crop or just above the crop for low crops. Take the CRYTRACK lure out of its sealed packaging and place it in the green container at the top of the delta-trap.
Replace lures and sticky paper every six to eight weeks, or earlier if the sticky paper is saturated with moths or dirt. You can use CRYTRACK lures inside greenhouses as well as in the open field. Use two traps per hectare for small holdings and in fields of uneven topography and one trap per hectare for large scale fields of homogeneous topography.
Monitor the traps at least twice a week, and record the numbers of false codling moth moths every time. Thresholds must be determined based on the type of crop, pest-allowance and density of the crop. Although dependent on these factors and other factors like temperature and wind, action thresholds have been determined at 5-7 moths caught per hectare per night.
Storage of CRYTRACK
Store CRYTRACK in its tightly closed original packaging. Accuracy of CRYTRACK is guaranteed for two years when kept at a constant temperature below 4°C. When stored at room temperature shelf life will be six months.

When female moths are ready to mate, they will produce attractants, these so-called pheromones will attract males of the same species. GEMTRACK is a red rubber string containing these pheromones that attract specifically male adults of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella).
How does GEMTRACK work?
The GEMTRACK lure must be used in combination with a sticky paper incorporated in a wingtrap. Once outside its original sealed packaging, the GEMTRACK lure will start releasing its pheromones over a time period of at least eight weeks. This will attract male diamondback moths, which will be caught on the sticky paper; preventing the moth from reproducing and enabling you to obtain information from the catches.
Due to the limited reach of approximately 50 meters, GEMTRACK will not attract any additional moths to your crops than the ones already present at that time.
GEMTRACK provides easy to obtain information that can indicate critical changes in population dynamics and behaviour of the diamondback moth. This can be used to determine if and what kinds of treatments are necessary. Targeting pests at the right time with the right product can save you money, make your pest control program more effective, and help preserve the beneficial organisms on your farm.
How to use GEMTRACK?
You can use GEMTRACK inside greenhouses as well as in the open field. Use two traps per hectare for small holdings and in fields of uneven topography and one trap per hectare for large scale fields of homogeneous topography.
Monitor the traps at least twice a week, and record the numbers of diamondback moth moths every time. Thresholds must be determined based on the type of crop, pest-allowance and density of the crop. Although dependent on these factors and other factors like temperature and wind, action thresholds have been determined at 5-7 moths caught per hectare.
Storage of GEMTRACK
Store GEMTRACK in its tightly closed original packaging. Accuracy of GEMTRACK is guaranteed for two years when kept at a constant temperature below 4°C. When stored at room temperature shelf life will be six months.

FEMTRACK is a complete system for trapping male and female moths. The system consists of: the FEMTRACK lure; a delta trap; and sticky paper. FEMTRACK will attract different species of moths; Duponchelia, Helicoverpa, Spodoptera, and others.
Once outside its original sealed packaging, the FEMTRACK lure will start releasing its scents over a time period of 20 weeks. This will attract moths, which will be caught on the sticky surface of the FEMTRACK paper.
FEMTRACK provides an effective means to trap and kill moths. FEMTRACK provides information on pest dynamics, and it can help control the pest without MRL or PHI issues. In contrast to light traps, FEMTRACK will not attract any additional moths to your crops than the ones already present at that time.
You can use FEMTRACK inside greenhouses as well as in the open field. Five traps per hectare will enable you to obtain information that can indicate critical changes in population dynamics of moths present in your farm. Twenty traps per hectare will enable you to significantly reduce damage to your crops.
Replace the FEMTRACK lure every twenty weeks. The sticky paper needs to be replaced when saturated with moths. The delta-trap will last several seasons under normal conditions.
Store the FEMTRACK lure in its tightly closed original packaging. Accuracy of the FEMTRACK lure is guaranteed for two years when kept at a constant temperature below 4°C. When stored at room temperature shelf life is six months.

Delta traps, wingtraps and stickypads are used in conjunction with the pheromones mentioned above in order to physically catch the moth that is attracted to the particular pheromone. Please contact us directly to discuss trap options.